Promote, Protect, & Improve Health for All

Care Ring helps those needing access to health care through a number of unique services in the Charlotte region.

As new research reveals, there are still far too many who continue to lack access to high quality, affordable care and need Care Ring and our sister agencies and providers to keep stepping forward to fill in gaps in care.

We offer a low-cost, convenient, high-quality clinic right in uptown Charlotte. We connect folks lacking public or private insurance to volunteer providers from all across Charlotte’s medical community. And we go into the homes of lower income families in our region, preparing moms and their babies for success.

But who are the individuals we serve?

A new report looks into changes across the U.S. due to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and reveals data and insights on many of the people who continue to need help.

“Despite an array of state and federal policies specifically intended to help them get care,” this report reveals that millions of Americans remain on the outside of America’s health care system, relying on agencies just like Care Ring for help.

Today, years after passage of the ACA, there are millions of workers who continue to be left out of America’s health care system. These include call center operators, cleaning and maintenance workers, restaurant employees, retail store workers, and many other service oriented positions, many of whom are “…are caught in a health care netherworld. Their employers classify them as part-time workers or independent contractors, therefore avoiding any obligation to provide health care. Their state governments have not expanded Medicaid to include low-wage earners. And government mandates set a standard for “affordable” coverage that is not affordable at all for these families.”

At Care Ring we envision a community that promotes, protects, and improves the health and well-being of all people.

Care Ring fills a gap in health care in the Charlotte region, and new research suggests there are many individuals who continue to need our assistance, long after the ACA was enacted.

#CareRing #healthcare #AffordableCareAct #ACA #lowcostclinic #medicaid #DonJonas

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